
On 07-May-20 01:28, Baker, Lawrence M wrote:
> Does anyone know of any portable OpenVMS 64-bit time conversion
> routines written in C?  I.e., that do not depend on 64-bit data types
> so they run on 32-bit machines?  Maybe in the SIMH GitHub?  Out there
> in the Interland?
> I am writing a simtools converter that combines on-disk OpenVMS Backup
> save sets into a SIMH .tap image of an OpenVMS Backup ANSI tape
> volume.  I want to use the date the backup was done from the Backup
> save set header for the ANSI HDR1 Creation Date.
> You might ask why?  Lately I have had to restore Backup save sets
> stored on our NFS file server to SIMH VAXes over a DECnet/DAP-to-NFS
> gateway I built a number of years ago.  (I wrote to this group about
> it in a thread about RSTS/E 10.1-L and Paper tape on January 6, 2016.)
>  It takes about 2 days to restore an ~8GB disk image backup from the
> NFS server, though the gateway running on an SheevaPlug ARM SoC, to
> the SIMH VAX running on my desktop iMac.  I am working from home at
> the moment, of course.  I have become good friends with GNU screen
> because of SSH inactivity disconnects and VPN failures.  When I tried
> to restore a 75GB disk, expecting it to take 10-14 days, our
> "friendly" IT security monsters rebooted my iMac on me after 4 days.
>  Grrr.  I want to try breaking the NFS file server transfer step from
> the SIMH VAX restore operation.  OpenVMS is not so easy as RSX was to
> read /FOREIGN disk drives as files.  I could not figure out a way to
> just MOUNT a Backup save set as a SIMH disk image and get that to
> work.  I was able to use Mark's tar2mt converter and, using the proper
> OpenVMS MOUNT /RECORDSIZE and /BLOCKSIZE qualfiers, was able to read a
> Backup save set from an unlabeled tape image.  Labeled tapes are
> easier to use then unlabeled tapes, since the file names and file
> formats are on the tape with the file data.  I know how to write ANSI
> tape labels, so I have taken it upon myself as a challenge to write a
> converter.  I think this is the last piece I need for what I want it
> to do.  I'll certainly announce it when it is done.
> Thank you in advance for your help.
> Larry Baker
> US Geological Survey
> 650-329-5608
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