Hi John,
I don't know if this would help you, I used the lens "OnShow" event
which then grabs a few variables from the database such as latitude
and longitude and passes them to a separate javascript function to
open a streetview window.
I still have a test page at http://courtenay.widget-it.com/park

On Jul 28, 1:20 pm, John Callahan <john.calla...@udel.edu> wrote:
> I'm looking to execute a function each time a user clicks on a marker (and
> open an info window) in the Map View of Exhibit.  I'd love it if the
> function can use one of the item attributes as an argument.  This function
> would populate another part of the screen based on the attributes of the
> marker clicked.   Does anyone have an idea how to do this?
> An analogous example would be how the
> Exhibit.TabularView.prototype._reconstruct function is called whenever a
> facet is selected in the tabular view.  (This is not quite the same since I
> cannot pass attributes as arguments to my functions here.)  I can execute my
> own functions upon facet selection using something like:
> var oldTabularViewReconstruct = Exhibit.TabularView.prototype._reconstruct;
> Exhibit.TabularView.prototype._reconstruct = function() {
>   oldTabularViewReconstruct.call(this);
>   myFunction();
> };
> Is there something similar for map marker clicks or infoWindow displays?
> Is there a way to create a onclick event listener globally for all map
> markers, hopefully one that passes an attribute?   I have a local copy of
> Exhibit running so I can "hack core" is necessary.  Thanks for any ideas.
> - John
> **************************************************
> John Callahan, Geographic Information Scientist
> Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
> URL:http://www.dgs.udel.edu
> **************************************************

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