It's a hack, but you can use the ex:converter attribute in the link tags. This attribute lets you specify a javascript function that will be fed the data returned from your server. It is supposed to produce json that exhibit can understand. So, your server can deliver json that includes the metadata you want for your page; the converter can strip out that extra data (and use it to modify the page) and give just the exhibit part of the data as a return value.

On 12/10/2010 11:56 AM, Dave Crumbacher wrote:
I am programatically creating a JSON file for my Exhibit, and the HTML
file for the Exhibit is used for multiple JSON files, so I cannot hard
code the title and other metadata into the HTML file.  Is there a way
to save the metadata for an Exhibit WITHIN the JSON file?  That way I
could pull out the metadata when the Exhibit is loaded.  Thanks.

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