On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Niels Mayer <nielsma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Introducing http://code.google.com/p/qtzibit/

Qtzibit is now checked in and working, and ready for people to try on
MeeGo and other Linux platforms. The idea is to show off the power of
http://simile-widgets.org/exhibit/ and provide a platform for further
integration between QML and Exhibit's advanced data rendering

After installation, when you run /opt/qtzibit/bin/qtzibit or click on
launcher /usr/share/applications/qtzibit.desktop
you'll be presented with a list of Exhibit example/demos to run, which
looks like:
Clicking on one of the example titles brings up an interactive page
featuring an Exhibit demo:

To get back to the Example Chooser, click the "Browse Examples" link
on the upper-left corner of each Exhibit page. This invokes
"javascript:window.qml.showExampleChooser();" which also shows how you
can call back into QML from JavaScript running in the Exhibit

The qtzibit installation places a number of interesting Exhibit
examples directly on the filesystem. In conjunction with the modified
exhibit&timeline, most of these examples work directly in the browser.
Thus the "billionaries" example in the screenshot above can also be
browsed directly e.g.
... This makes development and debugging of Exhibit JavaScript easier.

To checkout, build and run qtzibit, first install QtSDK 1.1.2 (
), then do the following steps:

 svn checkout https://qtzibit.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ qtzibit
 qtcreator qtzibit/qtzibit.pro ##
     --> In "Target Setup" dialog, select "Use Shadow Building" under
Desktop details.
      --> Build All
  cd qtzibit-build-desktop    ##created by Shadow Building in qtcreator
  sudo make install              ##need root to install to /opt/qtzibit
  /opt/qtzibit/bin/qtzibit        ##run the installed qtzibit!

Note that the last step -- installation into /opt/qtzibit --  is
necessary because all the HTML/JavaScript expect the  Exhibit and
Timeline code to reside in /opt/qtzibit/exhibit/* and
/opt/qtzibit/timeline/*.  Once installed, as long as you're not
changing the code for the simile exhibit or timeline widgets, you can
do your QML/Javascript development in qtcreator and test/debug


PS: Next step is to come up with a less "static" demo that mashes-up
dynamic javascript data from QML derived from handset or tablet
events, GPS data, etc. I think that http://zeitgeist-project.com/ data
would be very interesting to present in qtzibit similar to
http://seilo.geekyogre.com/2010/07/zeitgeist-geolocation-magic/ ,
however it's not something i have time to work on now....Anybody else

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