Hi Michiel,

We're using LABjs for Exhibit 3.  I'm not sure anybody will be making
these kinds of changes to Exhibit 2.

On 7/16/11 1:27 AM, Michiel wrote:
> Hi,
> In the mozilla documentation I read that the loading of dynamically
> created script elements changed from being sequential in version 3 of
> Fx to being asynchronous in Fx4 and Fx5. I quote:
> Starting in Gecko 2.0 (Firefox 4 / Thunderbird 3.3 / SeaMonkey 2.1),
> inserting script elements that have been created by calling
> document.createElement("script") into the DOM no longer enforces
> execution in insertion order. This change lets Gecko properly abide by
> the HTML5 specification. To make script-inserted external scripts
> execute in their insertion order, set .async=false on them.
> End quote. I think other browsers might do the same. In light of this
> change, would it not make sens to add the line;
> script.async = false;
> to the method SimileAjax.includeJavascriptFile?
> This issue is related to issue 425 on the issue tracker.
> Michiel

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