It isn't exactly clear what you're talking about. It's generally helpful to post an example on the web. Certainly you can merge two data sets by ensuring the two sets share common ids.

On Wednesday, December 14, 2011 4:51:32 PM, Adam F wrote:
Hi.  Is it possible to coordinate a map view with two or more distinct
collections?  For example: One collection includes the latlng and
various geographic data.  (There's no problem coordinating between a
map view and various tabular views within this collection).  The other
collection contains census data (for some of the units in the first
collection), but no latlng.  My attempt at coordinating is to use a
census ID common to units in both collections.  So far I haven't
succeeded.  Thoughts, directions to examples, or the Wiki, etc., would
be much appreciated.



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