On Sep 25, 2012, at 7:31 PM, Jeff Roehl wrote:

> In jQuery, I can detect whether jQuery has been loaded and what version is 
> running with:
> if (window.jQuery === undefined || window.jQuery.fn.jquery !== '1.8.1')
> Is there something similar I can do with Simile Timelines?

You can check to see if the Timeline object is undefined, or if the 'version' 
property on it doesn't equal a specific version. Something like this should do 
the same thing as the jQuery example you provided:

if (window.Timeline === undefined || window.Timeline.version !== '2.3.1')

If you'd like to easily see all the other properties available on the Timeline 
object, just do console.debug(Timeline); in a browser console. Most modern 
browsers have good developer tools for doing stuff like this, or have plugins 
available for it. (I use Chrome and its developer tools.)


Jeremy Boggs
Design Architect
Digital Research and Scholarship, University of Virginia Library

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