I never knew that maps could achieve any kind of awareness at all....
What exactly do you mean?
On 1/3/2014 2:20 PM, Werner Stangl wrote:
Thanks, migrating to Exhibit 3 simply solved my problem...

Just one other thing: There is no way to achieve time awareness in the map, right?

Thanks again,

Am Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2014 19:53:22 UTC+1 schrieb David Karger:

    As a first step, can I ask that you try switching to exhibit 3
    <http://api.simile-widget.org/exhibit3>)?  That's the codebase
    we're mostly working on now, and we've added some switches to make
    it easier to debug problems.
    On 01/02/2014 11:02 AM, Werner Stangl wrote:

    I have previously managed to visualize data from google
    spreadsheets with Simile. This time, however, I can't get my data
    into Simile - what am I missing? It seems as if  I were blind.

    Here's my spreadsheet data:
    and here is HTML (please, don't mind the non-existing style, I
    rather get my data to load first).

            <title>Búsqueda temporal-espacial</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; " />
    <link rel="exhibit/data"
           ex:converter="googleSpreadsheets" />

        table.cartas     {
                    border: 2px solid #ddd;
                    padding: 0.5em;
                    margin: 10px;
            background-color: #EFEFEF;
        <h1>Búsqueda espacial</h1>
    <table width="100%">
            <tr valign="top">
    <td ex:role="viewPanel">
     <table ex:role="lens" class="cartas">
    <td><div><img src="images/carta.jpg" /></div></td>
                   <div class="carta">
                       <span ex:content=".autor" class="autor"></span>
                       <span ex:content=".destinatario"
    .<span ex:content=".signatura" class="signatura"></span>
                   <div class="carta2">
    <span ex:content=".lugar" class="lugar"></span>,
          <span ex:content=".fecha" class="fecha"></span>

      <div ex:role="view" ex:label="Mapa"
              ex:center="0, -79"
      <div ex:role="view" ex:label="Lista" ex:orders=".fecha"
    ex:grouped="false" ex:possibleOrders=".autor">



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