
I've just discovered SEC and it seems to be the perfect fit for what we are 
trying to do . 

Basically , we are running a voip peering service but have to face fraud on a 
daily basis. We tried to imagine all sort of ways to detect/stop fraudsters 
(ie: account age vs total active calls, account age vs purchase frequency, 
etc.. ) . SEC comes handy as adding rules should be a lot easier . However, we 
can only find active calls by connecting to a unix socket - this is an output 
sample : 

{'I_ENVIRONMENT': 1, 'B2BUA_TAG': '2', 'CLI': '0203xxx3749', 'I_CONNECTION': 5, 
'CLD': '448000xxx202', 'CALL_ID': 'a3f44b31-199ab9ca@', 'DELAY': 2, 
'DURATION': 12, 'CC_STATE': 'Connected', 'I_ACCOUNT': 15, 'ID': '968526', 

How could we continuously listen to unix sockets with SEC as calls come in and 
achieve the following :

a) alert (or run script) if the call limit per caller (I_ACCOUNT) and per 
period have been exceeded and CC_STATE:Connected
>b) alert and run script if same destination number (CLD) with same CLI is 
>called more than once  -- a "normal" user doesn't call the same number more 
>than once
Also what's the best way to define the following rule (input from a Postgres 

Period : 15MIN 
>Alert Conditions : 
Applies to : I_ACCOUNT
>Alert me when :  DURATION -- % INCREASE >= 20 -- COMPARED TO : PREVIOUS 15MIN

>Email : XXX (or run script) 

We have many more rule combinations, but this will be a great start already..

Thank you
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