Hi Risto,

Thank you for your explanation. All works well for me now.
I using SEC v 2.7.12 therefore I see that compilation error with lcall and :> 

Thank you,
Od: Risto Vaarandi <risto.vaara...@gmail.com>
Odoslané: streda 19. februára 2020 14:52
Komu: Dusan Sovic <dusan.so...@hotmail.sk>
Kópia: simple-evcorr-users@lists.sourceforge.net 
Predmet: Re: [Simple-evcorr-users] How to introduce new match variable

hi Dusan,

you can find my comments below:

> I try to add new variable using “context” and :> operator also using “lcall” 
> action but no luck.
> Any idea how to achieve this?
> This is what I have produced so far:
> Config file: dusko.sec
> ----------------------------
> rem=Rule 1
> type=Single
> ptype=RegExp
> pattern=^(?<EVENT>\S+) (?<SEVERITY>\S+)$
> varmap=MY_EVENT
> continue=TakeNext
> desc=Parsing Event
> action=write - R1: Parsing event: $+{EVENT} $+{SEVERITY}
> rem=Rule 2
> type=Single
> ptype=Cached
> pattern=MY_EVENT
> context=MY_EVENT :> ( sub { return $_[0]->{"NEW"} = "new_entry"; } )
> desc=Introducing new variable
> action=lcall %o MY_EVENT -> ( sub { $_[0]->{"NEW"} = "value" } ); \
> write - R2: NEW = $+{NEW}

Rule #2 is not having an expected effect, since SEC rule matching involves 
several steps in the following order:
1) pattern is matched against an incoming event
2) if pattern matched the event, collect match variable values for 
substitutions (e.g., substitutions in 'context' field of the rule)
3) evaluate the context expression of the rule (provided with 'context' field)

If any new match variables are created during step 3, they are not used during 
substitutions within the current rule, since the set of match variables and 
their values were fixed during previous step. However, the match variable would 
be visible in the following rules. In order to make the variable visible 
immediately in the current rule, you can enclose the context expression in 
square brackets [ ], which means that context expression has to be evaluated 
*before* the pattern match (in other words, step 3 would be taken before step 1 
now). For example:

rem=Rule 2
context=[ MY_EVENT :> ( sub { return $_[0]->{"NEW"} = "new_entry"; } ) ]
desc=Introducing new variable
action=write - R2: NEW = $+{NEW}

The use of [ ] operator involves one caveat -- since match variables (e.g., $1 
or $2) are produced by pattern match, they will not have any values yet when 
context expression is evaluated, and are therefore not substituted. However, 
this is not a problem for the above rule, since the context expression in this 
rule contains no references to match variables (such as $1 or $+{NEW}).

> Also if I want to replace “->” with “:>” for lcall action:
> action=lcall %o MY_EVENT :> ( sub { $_[0]->{"NEW"} = "value" } ); \
> write - R2: NEW = $+{NEW}
> I got compilation error:
> Rule in ./dusko.sec at line 10: Eval '{"NEW"} = "value" } )' didn't return a 
> code reference: syntax error at (eval 9) line 1, near "} ="
> Unmatched right curly bracket at (eval 9) line 1, at end of line
> Rule in ./dusko.sec at line 10: Invalid action list ' lcall %o MY_EVENT :> ( 
> sub { $_[0]->{"NEW"} = "value" } ); write - R2: NEW = $+{NEW} '

This is because the :> operator for 'lcall' action was introduced in sec-2.8.0, 
and is not supported by previous versions (such as sec-2.7.X). When I tried 
your rule with sec-2.8.2, everything worked fine, but testing it with 
sec-2.7.12 produced the same error message. Therefore I suspect that you have 
an earlier version than 2.8.0, and would recommend to upgrade to 2.8.2 (the 
latest version). But with the above workaround, you would not need 'lcall %o 
MY_EVENT :> ( sub { $_[0]->{"NEW"} = "value" } )' action anyway.

Hope this helps,

> Thanks for any help,
> Dusan
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