Brilliant..thank you so much Risto!


On 2020-03-04 13:13, Risto Vaarandi wrote:
hi James,

you are observing this behavior since --detach option involves
changing working directory to root directory (that's a standard part
of turning the process into a daemon). Actually, when you look into
debug messages from SEC, there is also a message about directory
change in the terminal. Since the input file and rule file names are
relative, they will be not found in /, and to fix this issue, absolute
paths have to be used with --detach option.

hope this helps,


Kontakt James Lay (<>) kirjutas kuupäeval K,
4. märts 2020 kell 21:58:

Hey all,

So...I'm testing some stuff.....when I have an entry with logonly
work fine.  I'm trying to run sec against a file and have the action
pipe work, but the pipe command is echoed to the screen.  As I was
testing I noticed something a dir I have sec-test.conf and

tabbedfile.  Command:

sec --conf=sec-test.conf --input=tabbedfile
SEC (Simple Event Correlator) 2.8.2
Reading configuration from sec-test.conf
4 rules loaded from sec-test.conf
No --bufsize command line option or --bufsize=0, setting --bufsize
to 1
Opening input file tabbedfile
Interactive process, SIGINT can't be used for changing the logging

however when I try --detach I get:

sec --conf=sec-test.conf  --input=tabbedfile --detach
SEC (Simple Event Correlator) 2.8.2
Changing working directory to /
Reading configuration from sec-test.conf
Can't open configuration file sec-test.conf (No such file or
No --bufsize command line option or --bufsize=0, setting --bufsize
to 1
Opening input file tabbedfile
Input file tabbedfile does not exist!

No matter where in the command I put --detach tabbedfile suddenly is
found.  Odd behaviour.  Thank you.


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