I set up SEC using the omprog option in rsyslog, so rsyslog started SEC and fed the logs in via stdin rather than writing to disk.

On Thu, 26 Mar 2020, Dusan Sovic wrote:

I using similar approach as David mention. I processing syslog messages from 
network devices (various Vendors like Arista, Cisco, Juniper etc.).

We have about 7k patterns defined for match. As SEC cannot handle such regexp 
volume, I using syslog-ng PatternDB for pattern matching, classification and 

Than all matched logs are written in normalized format into file what monitored 
by SEC and pre-defined correlation schema is applied. This help me to reduce 
flow into SEC to 30 msg/s while incoming syslog message flow is about ~20k 
msg/s (from about 20k unique network devices). My SEC instance is eating ~ 20 – 
30 % of CPU (with about 500 active event correlation operations with ~ 4k 
active contexts in avg).

Od: David Lang <da...@lang.hm>
Odoslané: štvrtok 26. marca 2020 1:24
Komu: Richard Ostrochovský <richard.ostrochov...@gmail.com>
Kópia: simple-evcorr-users@lists.sourceforge.net 
Predmet: Re: [Simple-evcorr-users] SEC CPU utilization

Much of the time you can trivially split your rules and then run multiple copies
of SEC, each processing a subnet of the rules on the logs that will match them.

Rsyslog has a very efficient parsing capability (mmnormalize), you can use it to
just classify the logs, or you can go a step further and have it extract the
relevant fields and pass them to SEC in ways that make it cheaper to parse and

where you do have rules that correlate across different types of logs, you may
be able to just combine those logs into one ruleset, or you can have parallel
instances output messages to say that their part of the correlation has tested
true and then have another instance that processes these partial correlation
messages and decide if the combined correlation is matched.

David Lang

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