> Summarising, the current DAVE-ML gridded table structure is valid XML > but the gridded tables are not as fine-grained as they could be. > However, the current structure seems to me a reasonable balance between > size of the resulting DOM and accessibility of data points within it. > Division into individual data points will not significantly improve > accessibility for the calling program, and will add both memory and > initialisation time overhead. > > I guess the point I'm really making here is that the appearance of the > data to the program accessing a DOM is probably more important than its > appearance to humans using various XML viewers. > > Dan Newman
I agree with you on this. I'm now writing code in JSBSim submodels to extract values from the DOM tree structure that was parsed using an XML parsing class I wrote that's based on (and wraps) eXpat. I can see that the deeper the tree, the more tedious it gets. I was unsure before, but this discussion has made it pretty clear that the DAVE-ML gridded table structure is a good balance. Jon S. Berndt