Greetings [note that by default replies go to the poster - not the list]:

In JSBSim we are addressing this in our own way (at the moment), 
programmatically using an
STL map (indexed by STL strings) to index conversion factors like this:

  convert["M"]["FT"] = 3.2808399;
  convert["FT"]["M"] = 1.0/convert["M"]["FT"];
  convert["M2"]["FT2"] = convert["M"]["FT"]*convert["M"]["FT"];
  convert["FT2"]["M2"] = 1.0/convert["M2"]["FT2"];
  convert["FT"]["IN"] = 12.0;
  convert["IN"]["FT"] = 1.0/convert["FT"]["IN"];
  convert["LBS"]["KG"] = 0.45359237;
  convert["KG"]["LBS"] = 1.0/convert["LBS"]["KG"];
  convert["SLUG*FT2"]["KG*M2"] = 1.35594;
  convert["KG*M2"]["SLUG*FT2"] = 1.0/convert["SLUG*FT2"]["KG*M2"];
  convert["RAD"]["DEG"] = 360.0/(2.0*3.1415926);
  convert["DEG"]["RAD"] = 1.0/convert["RAD"]["DEG"];
  convert["LBS/FT"]["N/M"] = 14.5939;
  convert["LBS/FT/SEC"]["N/M/SEC"] = 14.5939;
  convert["N/M"]["LBS/FT"] = 1.0/convert["LBS/FT"]["N/M"];
  convert["N/M/SEC"]["LBS/FT/SEC"] = 1.0/convert["LBS/FT/SEC"]["N/M/SEC"];

  convert["M"]["M"] = 1.00;
  convert["FT"]["FT"] = 1.00;
  convert["IN"]["IN"] = 1.00;
  convert["IN3"]["IN3"] = 1.00;
  convert["DEG"]["DEG"] = 1.00;
  convert["RAD"]["RAD"] = 1.00;
  convert["M2"]["M2"] = 1.00;
  convert["FT2"]["FT2"] = 1.00;
  convert["KG*M2"]["KG*M2"] = 1.00;
  convert["SLUG*FT2"]["SLUG*FT2"] = 1.00;
  convert["KG"]["KG"] = 1.00;
  convert["LBS"]["LBS"] = 1.00;
  convert["LBS/FT"]["LBS/FT"] = 1.00;
  convert["N/M"]["N/M"] = 1.00;
  convert["LBS/FT/SEC"]["LBS/FT/SEC"] = 1.00;
  convert["N/M/SEC"]["N/M/SEC"] = 1.00;
  convert["PSI"]["PSI"] = 1.00;
  convert["INHG"]["INHG"] = 1.00;
  convert["HP"]["HP"] = 1.00;

Since this is only done at initialization time, CPU usage is not so critical 
for us. I'd
be interested in hearing more about standard unit abbrev.s, though.

Jon Berndt

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