Follow-up Comment #2, bug #35737 (project simulavr):

I decided to add some small comments to my previous post.

Most of the changes, that I do, are "self-explanatory". You will get an
"error: attempt to use poisoned SOME_MAGIC_NAME" if you do not apply them.

However, there are some changes in the "atmel_key" example which may need some
additional explanation.

In the "./examples/atmel_key/main.c" file I replace the call to "msleep" with
"_delay_ms", and in the "./examples/atmel_key/StdDefs.c" file I comment out
the call to "_delay_ms" (in the "msleep" implementation - this makes this
function unusable - it's "dummy" then - but it was ONLY used in one place in
the "./examples/atmel_key/main.c" file, which I also patched).
The reason is that the "_delay_ms" accepts ONLY constant parameters, no
variable parameters are allowed in the call. If you do not apply these
changes, you will get "/.../avr/.../4.5.1/.../include/util/delay.h:164:28:
error: __builtin_avr_delay_cycles expects an integer constant."

Hope it helps.


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