On 28/02/2008, John G. Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Actually a better way to do it as getting even just the molecules right is a 
> wee bit formidable - you need a really powerful computer with lots of RAM. 
> Take some DNA and grow a body double in software. Then create an interface 
> from the biological brain to the software brain and then gradually kill off 
> the biological brain forcing the consciousness into the software brain.
>  The problem with this approach naturally is that to grow the brain in RAM 
> requires astronomical resources. But ordinary off-the-shelf matter holds so 
> much digital memory compared to modern computers. You have to convert matter 
> into RAM somehow. For example one cell with DNA is how many gigs? And cells 
> cost a dime a billion. But the problem is that molecular interaction is too 
> slow and cluncky.

Agreed, it would be *enormously* difficult getting a snapshot at the
molecular level and then doing a simulation from this snapshot. But as
a matter of principle, it should be possible.

Stathis Papaioannou

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