> From: Matt Mahoney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --- "John G. Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there really a bit per synapse? Is representing a synapse with a
> bit an
> > accurate enough simulation? One synapse is a very complicated system.
> A typical neural network simulation uses several bits per synapse.  A
> Hopfield
> net implementation of an associative memory stores 0.15 bits per
> synapse.  But
> cognitive models suggest the human brain stores .000001 bits per
> synapse.
> (There are 10^15 synapses but human long term memory capacity is 10^9
> bits).

A cognitive model may only allocate so much data per synapse but the REAL
data being stored in one biological synapse has got to be quite high. How
much of it is unique among a group of synapses and how much of that affects
the running biological cognitive entity grossly is in a degree particular to
that brain. Any simulation that throws x bits per synapse IS a simulation
and not a copy. A "copied" simulation could adapt itself to its new "home"
if given enough latitude to model itself as it was in its biological host,
if you are trying to copy a consciousness it depends on what it actually is,
how much it can be simplified or molded to a digital transistor-like
environment verses the rich unique electro-chemical environment of a
biological brain. A simulation of a brain is a lossy compression since you
can't get it all, each cell ultimately holds many gigs of data. You can try
to get a functionally isomorphic compressed copy but due to the size you
still going to have to average out much of it.

A computer software simulation is going to be WAY more flexible and
extensible. Biological electrochemical systems are, at least with current
technology, not very changeable. But looking at the sophistication of
natural molecular digital physics there has to a number of breakthroughs
down the road...


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