On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 4:42 PM, Derek Zahn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I would think an investor would want a believable specific answer to the
> following question:
>  "When and how will I get my money back?"
>  It can be uncertain (risk is part of the game), but you can't just wave
> your hands around on that point.

This is not the problem ... regarding Novamente, we have an extremely
specific business plan and details regarding how we would provide return
on investment.

The problem is that investors are generally pretty unwilling to eat  perceived
technology risk.  Exceptions arise all the time, and AGI has not yet been one.

It is an illusion that VC or angel investors are fond of risk ...
actually they are
quite risk-averse in nearly all cases...

-- Ben G

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