Matt Mahoney writes:> Just what do you want out of AGI? Something that thinks 
like a person or> something that does what you ask it to?
I think this is an excellent question, one I do not have a clear answer to 
myself, even for my own use.
Imagine we have an "AGI".  What exactly does it do?  What *should* it do?
"It does whatever we tell it" is not good enough.  What would we tell it to do? 
 And no wigged-out scifi allowed; you can't say "invent molecular 
nanotechnology and build me a Dyson sphere" -- first, because such a vision is 
completely unhelpful in guiding how to get there, and second because there's no 
reason to think a currently-envisionable AGI would be millions of times 
"smarter" than all of humanity put together.

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