On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 7:50 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
>  I am writing a literature review on AGI and I am mentioning the definition
> of pattern as explained by Ben in his work.
>  "A pattern is a representation of an object on a simpler scale. For
> example, a pattern in a drawing of a mathematical curve could be a program
> that can compute the curve from a formula (Looks et al. 2004). My supervisor
> told me that "she doesn?t see how this can be simpler than the actual
> drawing".
>  Any other definition I could use in the same context to explain to a
> non-technical audience?


See the Wikipedia article on Kolmogorov complexity:

It has a nice example with a Mandelbrot set: you get this arbitrarily
detailed image from a one-line algorithm.

Vladimir Nesov

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