> From: Anil Bollineni [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Assume a gateway sends two INVITE’s say to two different UAS’s with the
> Via branch parameter to two different users at the same time.

It must not do that.  See section of RFC 3261:  "The branch
parameter value MUST be unique across space and time for all requests sent
by the UA."

> I understand for retransmitted non-INVITE requests it MUST result sending
> response by UAS

> Assume 200 response to BYE sent by server transaction, and 200 response is
> before it reaches UAC. If it send BYE again, does UAS has to retransmit
> response?

If the second BYE is a retransmission of the first BYE, as you have noted,
the UAS is required to send the same 200 response.

> During transfer if a REFER is sent to UAS and say server transaction say
> transmit 503 (Declined), due to some temporary failures (e.g. user can’t
> more calls), and assume this 503 is delayed. Aftr this failure cleared
out, and
> REFER is retransmitted, and in this case the server transaction sends same
> message, even though the user is not busy. First of all, am I mentioning
> correct scenario.? If yes, what could be solution.

If the second REFER is a retransmission of the first REFER, as you have
noted, the UAS is required to send the same 503 response.  If the second
REFER is a *new* request (which can be determined by the increased CSeq
number and the different Via branch parameter), the UAS may examine its
situation and return a different response if it chooses.


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