Murali Radhakrishnan wrote:
> Hi,
>      I have an Application Runing on a Weblogic Sip Server (BEA). In Case 1
> - Non Reliable scenario, when i send a UPDATE request, it reaches the
> destination (Request-URI) is set to the target.
>  Case 1 :- Non- Reliable
>  A  (UAC)                       (App) Wlss (B2B)                B (UAS)
>           INVITE                                    INVITE
>  |-------------------------------------->|
> -------------------------------------->|
>         200OK                                       200OK
>  |<--------------------------------------|
> <--------------------------------------|
>          ACK                                           ACK
> |-------------------------------------->|-------------------------------------->|
>             UPDATE                              UPDATE
> |-------------------------------------->|-------------------------------------->|
> In this below case 2, where there is a early dialog and reliable provisional
> response situation. The UPDATE received at the application does not reach
> the destination. The request-uri is not set to the target.
> My question is
> Can we send UPDATE when there is a early dialog  and will it reach the
> target ?
>  Do we need to complete the 3-way handshake ( create dialog as in case 1) to
> send the UPDATE request ?

Superficially what you are doing in case 2 looks fine, and you should 
expect that it will work.

But there could be some issue with the details of the messages, so it 
would be good if you could provide actual message details.


> Case 2 :- Reliable Provisional response
> A  (UAC)                       (App) Wlss (B2B)                B (UAS)
>  |-------------------------------------->|
> -------------------------------------->|
>  183 SP rel                                      183 SP rel
>                        /Early dialog established/
>  |<--------------------------------------|
> <--------------------------------------|
>  PRACK                                           PRACK
> |-------------------------------------->|-------------------------------------->|
>  200 (PRACK)                                 200 (PRACK)
> |<--------------------------------------
> |<--------------------------------------|
>  |-------------------------------------->| fails
> Thanks and Regards,
> Murali.R
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