It seems I have to say this every few weeks...

*WHY* is the UAC requesting a session timer???

The real purpose of session timer is so that a record-routed proxy can 
cause one of the UAs to send periodic messages - confirming for the 
proxy that the session is still active. (A proxy isn't allowed to 
originate messages itself to determine this.)

A UA has no need of this. At any time, if it gets to wondering if the 
other end is still alive, it can send a message in the dialog. It 
doesn't need to negotiate anything to do so.

So, while it is *legal* for a UAC to include the Session-Expires there 
is no reason to do so. It can just include "Supported:timer" and then a 
proxy that needs it will know it is available.


praveen dandin wrote:
> Hi all,
>   I have a query regarding session timer functionality. UAC sends the INVITE 
> message with Session-Expires header. The UAS does not support session timer 
> fuctionality. Now possible behaviour of UAS are:
> 1) UAS copies the  value of Session-Expires header value into 2xx and sends 
> the response to UAC.
> This is as per section 9 statement of draft: 
> draft-ietf-sip-session-timer-10.txt
>   If the UAS wishes to accept the request, it copies the value of the
> Session-Expires header field from the request into the 2xx response.
>   Here it is not mentioned that whether the UAS is supporting session timers 
> or not.
>   2) The UAS MUST NOT send Session-Expires in 2xx response.
> Section 7.2 statement of draft :draft-ietf-sip-session-timer-10.txt gives 
> some info regarding this.
>   It is  possible that the UAC requested session timer (and thus included a
>    Session-Expires header field in the request), but there was no
>    Require or Session-Expires header field in the 2xx response. This
>    will happen when the UAS doesn't support the session timer extension,
>    and only the UAC has asked for a session timer (no proxies have
>    requested it).
>   Please let me know the correct behaviour of UAS.
>   Also the draft says that the session timer extension has the property that 
> it works even when only one UA  in a dialog supports it. So what should be 
> the behaviour of UAC (which is supporting session timers) in case UAS does 
> not support session timers?.
>   Thanks,
> Praveen Dandin
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