On Wed, 2009-07-29 at 16:13 +0200, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:

> Wow!   what could I reply now...?

  (I keep that reply around in canned form - it comes up now and then)

> Ok, if it would be a "MUST" you'd convince me XD  (joking)
> However, it'd also work even if the client uses a different
> call-id/from-tag in the second INVITE (with credentials). For example,
> a proxy doesn't store the "failed dialog status" so when receives an
> INVITE with credentials it doesn't check call-id/from-tag values
> against a previous attemp.

Not with our system (sipXecs).  

In order to make replay attacks more difficult, the nonce that sipXecs
returns is cryptographically bound to the call-id and the from tag; if
you change those for the next try, you'll get another 401.

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