Mark Seger wrote:

Bas van der Vlies wrote:

Mark Seger wrote:

Having been manually able to make the pieces work, sort of, I'd like to know HOW people actually use SI. Specifically, if I have a rack of systems I want to install a golden image on, I'd like to simply be able to set their bios to do a network install, power them up (I assume not all at once so I don't flood the image server) and after some point in time have runnable systems. Is this what other people do?

That is the way to do it.

The reason I ask is the once piece needed to make this work, doesn't. Specifically, if I set the NET_BOOT_OPTION in systemimager.conf to 'local' before doing the network installation, the systems install fine, and when I reboot them they try to boot off local disk, but they hang at the message telling me they're booting off the disk. Since there's really no detailed documentation on how all this works I'm left to conclude:
- I'm doing something wrong
- maybe it's a bug with redhat 9.0
- it's broken and doesn't really work
There is also references to mkclientnetboot, but that's not really documented either and although I ran it I'm not sure what (if anything) it does...

Did you also configure the PXE-network cards? You must enable local
boot option (We have the Intel eepro100 cards). In the /tftpbooot/pxelinu.cfg there is also file named:

Are you saying I have to make a configuration change to the network card itself? I have no idea how to do that, As for syslinux.cfg.noboot, I do have that on my system but also have no idea what to do with that either. Have you (or anyone) ever figured out what mkclientnetboot does and whether or not I even need to run it?

If we start the machine and see the message from the ethernet card, we
hit <cntrl-s> (eepro100). It is in the display message. Else you have to read the docs. There is a local boot option for our cards we can disable/enable it.

For every succesfully installed node a file is placed in the /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/<HEX_ADDRES_OF_THE_NODE> with the contents of
syslinux.cfg.noboot. This pxe configuration tells to boot from harddisk.

I do not use this setup so the file maybe named something different.

so what setup do you use?

My own. I have posted the url and the documentation how to use it in an earlier mail to you.

So if this doesn't work, how do people install a rack of systems? The machines I'm using allow you to interrupt the boot process with F12 to tell it to do a network boot, so I can leave the bios set to boot off disk before the network and all works fine, but that requires manual intervention with each machine which I'd think defeats the high level idea behind SI, especially if I want to install severl hundred (or thousand) images.

Any and all comments would be appreciated.


*                                                                  *
*  Bas van der Vlies                     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      *
*  SARA - Academic Computing Services    phone:  +31 20 592 8012   *
*  Kruislaan 415                         fax:    +31 20 6683167    *
*  1098 SJ Amsterdam                                               *
*                                                                  *

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