On Mar 8, 2007, at 3:09 PM, Simon Ruiz wrote:

> Replies below
> ________________________________
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of  
> Andrea Righi
> Sent: Wed 3/7/2007 2:48 PM
> To: sisuite-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [sisuite-users] Network Adapter Fun!
> Simon Ruiz wrote:
>> As always, I'm working with Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft on both the client
>> and server.
>> 1) My main issue now seems to be that on reboot the computer that's
>> been newly re-imaged does not recognize the network. I have to go in
>> and manually activate the network adapter (no longer eth0, now it's
>> eth1). Does anyone else have experience with this type of thing and
>> how to fix it?
> I'm not sure about this... but have you checked the file /etc/iftab in
> your image?
> Right on, so RMing /etc/iftab seems to take care of this issue.  
> Awesome! I figured it'd be something simple like that. Thanks!
>> 2) Is there an append option for the autoinstallcd to make it reboot
>> or shutdown after being imaged? That beeping is nice for now, when
>> I'm imaging a client in the other room, but it won't be when I'm
>> imaging a few hundred computers in classrooms and leaving the process
>> running over the weekend.
> ...beeping hundreds of clients would be great! lol!
> I would be amused, I just think the teachers might have a  
> conniption when they came in Monday morning. Heheh. I can't imagine  
> what it would sound like if all the workstations in every English  
> classroom just started beeping incessantly...
> You can change the post install action running si_mkautoinstallscript
> with "--post-install reboot" option. This will also re-create your
> autoinstallscript, so be sure to make a copy if you changed it  
> manually.
> Will this be overwritten when I update that image? It always wants  
> to re-create the autoinstall script.
>> 3) My current configuration scheme is designed for use with Norton
>> Ghost which we were using until recently. It involves rc.local
>> checking at boot time whether the machine's macaddress corresponds to
>> that of the golden client, and if not then whether it's hostname is
>> nordx--image, if so then it runs an autoconfig script. The autoconfig
>> script wgets a comma-delimited plain-text file from an apache server,
>> searches through it for it's own MAC address and, using the identity
>> variables that it gets, changes its hostname, sets up its printer,
>> etc.
>> With SystemImager, I know there are all kinds of spiffy scripts that
>> get called during the installation process at different times and in
>> different circumstances, so I'm sure there's a better way to do this
>> autoconfiguration than what I'm doing. However, I can't seem to find
>> documentation of how they work at wiki.systemimager.org. Might the
>> documentation exist somewhere else for my perusal?
> Do you mean post-install scripts? try to look in
> /var/lib/systemimager/scripts/post-install/README.
> And here you can find some examples:
> http://svn.systemimager.org/listing.php?repname=systemimager&path=% 
> 2Ftrunk%2Fdoc%2Fexamples%2Fpost-install%2F&rev=0&sc=0
> I'll try post a comment about pre/post install scripts on wiki ASAP.


  I have just installed etch and  excluded /rm '/etc/udev/rules.d/ 
z25_persistent-net.rules'  from the image and then everything is oke.  
But on some hosts we have more interfaces and then the recreation of  
this file gives the wrong interface order. I mean when you boot it is  
eth0 but when the kernel runs it can be eth1 and systemconfigurator  
creates a entry for eth0. So the host is not reachable any more over  
the net, see the link below for explanation:

what i now want to do, and i do not have a script yet. Is in a post- 
install script:

   - Create the entry in ''/etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules'
# PCI device 0x8086:0x1076 (e1000)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTRS{address}=="00:13:72:53:2c:2d",  

   - Create an entry,depends on IP-method, in /etc/network/interfaces
auto boot-net
iface boot-net inet dhcp


Bas van der Vlies

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