On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Patrick Nolan <patrick.no...@stanford.edu>wrote:

> Tristam MacDonald wrote:
> > Did you try shift+pageup to use the kernel's built-in scrolling
> capabilities?
> Yes.  That's one of the things mentioned in the page of advice.  There
> doesn't seem to be a kernel running at that point. Nothing gets any sort of
> response except the Reset button on the front panel.

There certainly is a full kernel running by the time that failure message is
printed, so it sounds like you have an actual hard crash on your hands.

> I tried capturing the boot messages by echoing them out a serial port.
> (The AMI BIOS allows that.)  It works up to a point, but the output
> quits when the kernel boots.

Did you also tell your *kernel* to output over the console? If my memory
serves correctly, you need to add something like console=ttyS0,57600 to the
APPEND line in your pxelinux.cfg/<whatever>.

Tristam MacDonald
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