On 02/24/2012 08:30 AM, Büchmann Hydrodynamics wrote:
Hi Bas,

On 23-02-2012 8:01, Bas van der Vlies wrote:

  >  Hi Bjarne,

Thanks very much for the rapid answer.


  >   We will assist you to tty to get SALI working on your systems.

That is ver much appreciated. I trust it is OK that I ask a few
clarifying questions before continuing.

  >  grub or grub2 is not part of SALI (kernel/initrd). It is in your
client image.

That explains a lot. So systemimager-based scripts will fail once we get
to that part.

  >  So we do chroot (postinstall script) to install the grub/grub2

With "postinstall" you mean "after the rsync parts" - but before the
following node boot, right?

yes, see master script:
logmsg "chroot_mount_system_fs"

## Let's get the image
# TODO: rewrite this so we can use PROTOCOL instead of using BITTORRENT yes/no
logmsg "getimage"

#   Post Install Scripts

And just to be sure. The method you describe is _not_ based on the
systemimager scripts, but rather on the scripts coming with SALI
(masterscript.new and friends?)

the postinstall script are the same as for systemimager. Same mechanism.

I am sure we will get back to the actual scripts used, but to get
started I need to get the plainer details right first. I have the
SystemImager v4.1.6 Manual, but I *really* need some simple explanation
on how to go from tehre to SALI. For example, if I recall correctly, I
need to modify dhcpd.conf compared to "plain" systemimager to get
tftpboot process to do as expected(?)

dhcpd.conf is for systemimager and sali the same. You can set the sali image 
server in the dhcp.conf:
 * https://subtrac.sara.nl/oss/sali/wiki/SaliUsage/DhcpOptions

or set it in the pxelinux.cfg file:
 * IMAGESERVER=imageserver

I got the kernel and initrd for x86_64 (sali-x86_64.tar.gz). We run
CentOS kernel 2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64, so we should be OK with your udev
version etc.
Also, can get the svn sources, but it is not clear how much is needed.

Ok the SALI kernel/initrd is only used for installation. It has nothing to do with your image. We use it for debian, ubuntu, centos, suse, .....

In short SALI detects your hardware, parition your disk, get the image and does some post-installations scripts, eg install boot loader). The post-installations script will be down in chrooted enviroment. The centos image. You can use all commands that you are used to.

I know that I am talking about simple stuff here. But for the sake of my
sanity I need to get it right. If you provide informatuion, then I shall
be happy to assist in actual writing some of the according docs afterwards.

We will appreciate this. The docs must be updated ;-)


Sorry for all the stupid questions,


Virtualization&  Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing
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*  Bas van der Vlies                    e-mail: b...@sara.nl       *
*  SARA - Academic Computing Services   Amsterdam, The Netherlands *

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Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
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