34 ADDED packages

perl-Dist-Zilla-MintingProfile-Clustericious - Minting profile for 
Clustericious clients and servers
* Mon Oct 14 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.02-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-MintingProfile-Project-OSM - A minting profile for Modules 
written for Project OSM
* Mon Oct 14 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.2.0-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Alien - Use Alien::Base with Dist::Zilla
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.008-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-ShareDir-Dist - Use a C<share> directory on 
your dist during bootstrap
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.2.3-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckChangesHasContent - Ensure Changes has content 
before releasing
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.006-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-LicenseFromModule - Extract License and Copyright from 
its main_module file
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.03-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MakeMaker-Fallback - Generate a Makefile.PL containing a 
warning for legacy users
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.002-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MakeMaker-IncShareDir - MakeMaker subclass that bundles 
File::ShareDir::Install in inc/
* Mon Oct 14 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.01-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Meta-Contributors - Generate an x_contributors section 
in distribution metadata
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.001-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OptionalFeature - Specify prerequisites for optional 
features in your dist
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.007-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PPPort - PPPort for Dist::Zilla
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.005-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PodInherit - autogenerate inherited POD sections for 
Dist::Zilla distributions
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.007-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-MatchInstalled - Depend on versions of modules 
the same as you have installed
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.1.4-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-MatchInstalled-All - Upgrade ALL your 
dependencies to the ones you have installed.
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.1.2-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-Plugins - Add all Dist::Zilla plugins presently 
in use as prerequisites.
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.1.3-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-SyncVersions - Homogenize prerequisites so 
dependency versions are consistent
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.001001-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-RunByBranch - Run external commands at specific phases 
of Dist::Zilla on regex'd Git branches
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.21-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Substitute - Substitutions for files in dzil
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.003-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-NoTabs - Release tests making sure hard tabs aren't 
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.05-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-ReportPrereqs - Report on prerequisite versions 
during automated testing
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.007-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-TrailingSpace - test for trailing whitespace
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.0.1-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Travis-ConfigForReleaseBranch - Create a .travis.yml 
suitable for built branches
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.001-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-ACPS - the basic plugins to maintain and release 
ACPS dists
* Mon Oct 14 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.27-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-CHIM - Dist::Zilla configuration the way 
CHIM does it
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.04-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-Celogeek - Dist::Zilla like Celogeek
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 1.0-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-RTHOMPSON - RTHOMPSON's Dist::Zilla 
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.132801-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Dancer - dzil plugins used by Dancer projects
* Mon Oct 14 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.0008-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-GRS - Dist::Zilla like GRS
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.03-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-IDOPEREL - IDOPEREL's plugin bundle for 
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.701-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-MARCEL - Build and release a distribution like 
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 1.121330-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-MITHALDU - Dist::Zilla configuration the way 
MITHALDU does it
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 1.120300-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-RJBS - BeLike::RJBS when you build your dists
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 1.017-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-ModuleIncluder - Include a module and its dependencies in 
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.003-alt1
- initial import by package builder

perl-File-DataClass - Structured data file IO with OO paradigm
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.26.1-alt1_1
- mga update

        1 REMOVED package

perl-Config-Perl-V      0.18-alt1_1

        15 UPDATED packages

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib - A minimal boot-strapping for Dist::Zilla 
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.04000001-alt1_1
- mga update
* Thu Jul 25 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.01023601-alt1_1

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckExtraTests - Check xt tests before release
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.011-alt1_1
- mga update
* Fri Sep 13 2013 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild@altlinux> 0.007-alt2_1

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-HelpWanted - Insert 'Help Wanted' information in the 
distribution's META
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.3.1-alt1_1
- mga update
* Wed Aug 07 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.2.1-alt1_2

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MakeMaker-Awesome - A more awesome MakeMaker plugin for 
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.17-alt1_1
- mga update
* Fri Sep 13 2013 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild@altlinux> 0.12-alt2_1

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OurPkgVersion - No line insertion and does Package 
version with our
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.005000-alt1_1
- mga update
* Fri Sep 13 2013 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild@altlinux> 0.004000-alt2_2

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Compile - Common tests to check syntax of your 
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 2.034-alt1_1
- mga update
* Fri Sep 13 2013 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild@altlinux> 1.112820-alt2_1

perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Twitter - Twitter when you release with Dist::Zilla
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.022-alt1_1
- mga update
* Fri Sep 13 2013 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild@altlinux> 0.021-alt2_1

perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-TestingMania - Test your dist with every testing 
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.21-alt1_1
- mga update
* Fri Sep 13 2013 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild@altlinux> 0.19-alt2_1

perl-File-CodeSearch - Search file contents in code repositories
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> v0.5.7-alt1_1
- mga update
* Fri Sep 13 2013 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild@altlinux> v0.5.5-alt2_1

perl-I18N-Charset - IANA Character Set Registry names and Unicode::MapUTF8
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 1.412-alt1_1
- mga update
* Fri Sep 13 2013 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild@altlinux> 1.402-alt2_1

perl-IPC-SRLock - No summary found
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.19.1-alt1_1
- mga update
* Fri Sep 13 2013 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild@altlinux> 0.8.199-alt2_1

perl-Parse-EDID - Extended display identification data (EDID) parser
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 1.0.4-alt1_2
- mga update
* Thu Jul 25 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 1.0.4-alt1_1

perl-Pod-Elemental - A Pod =command element
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.102363-alt1_1
- mga update
* Fri Sep 13 2013 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild@altlinux> 0.102362-alt2_2

perl-Pod-Elemental-PerlMunger - A thing that takes a string of Perl and 
rewrites its documentation
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.093333-alt1_1
- mga update
* Fri Sep 13 2013 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild@altlinux> 0.093332-alt2_2

perl-Test-LectroTest - Easy, automatic, specification-based tests
* Sun Oct 13 2013 Igor Vlasenko <viy@altlinux> 0.5001-alt1_2
- mga update
* Thu Sep 05 2013 Cronbuild Service <cronbuild@altlinux> 0.3600-alt2_5

Total 18829 source packages.
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