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The following page has been changed by IvanJouikov:

- James supports Virtual User Tables described by either XML or JDBC.  See 
config.xml for an example.  Will probably copy it to here and comment it in 
more detail.
+ James supports Virtual User Tables described by either XML or JDBC.  See 
config.xml for an example.
+ == THEORY ==
+ Before I go into explaining how to set up one of the mapping mailets, I want 
to explain how they will work.  Basically, all that a "virtual user table" does 
is forward emails.  THAT'S it.  If you think about it this way, it will be very 
easy to understand it.  All we do is forward emails from one address to 
another.  For instance:
+  * [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  // forward to an outside domain
+  * [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> [EMAIL PROTECTED] // Pretty much set up an alias if 
candy is local
+  * [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> [EMAIL PROTECTED] // Yet another alias
+ That's all there is to it.  Now the trick is that this simple function allows 
us to do powerful things, such as having virutal domains.
+ Say, we're hosting 2 domains, and  Now the owners of both 
domains want to have "support@" email accounts.  Normally, if we created an 
account "support", both [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be the 
same email account - and that would be unacceptable.  So instead, we can set up 
the following forwards:
+ Obviously, we have to create two local accounts:  "" and 
"". So, now when you send a support email to, it 
would go into a local account "".  When you send an email to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], the email would go into a local account "".
+ Now the whole "" thing is called a '''naming policy'''.  
It is important to keep and follow a strict policy, otherwise you'll have 
nightmare trying to manage your email accounts.
+ This is really how easy it is to set up virtual domains.  There is however, 
one '''problem''', which I hope will soon be addressed: even though we have 
separate accounts for support@ email address, the following addresses would 
still be valid:
+ They're valid since they're still treated as normal local email accounts.  So 
this is a '''TODO''' and I hope it's addressed soon.  It's not really crucial 
and nobody probably would ever know about it except for the admin, but it still 
gives me a sense of insecurity.
+ Now that you understand the theory, in technical terms it's just as simple as 
the theory.  Currently, there are two implementations of this that I know of - 
XML (XMLVirtualUserTable) and JDBC (JDBCVirtualUserTable) - both come packaged 
with james 2.2.
+ Both work exactly the same way, except XML gets its entries from the config 
file, and JDBC gets them from (you guessed) a database.  I highly recommend 
that you use JDBC over XML if you're planning to have more than 10 different 
email accounts.  If you use XML, every time you want to make a change or add 
something, you'd have to restart the server.
+ The entries that both of these mailets accept are:
+ user,domain,target_address
+ Compare this with our theory:
+ [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> target_address
+ And that's pretty much all there is to it.  If we want to have [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED], assuming that we use "" 
naming policy, we would have the following entries:
+  * '''User''': support '''Domain''': '''Target_Address''': [EMAIL 
+  * '''User''': support '''Domain''': '''Target_Address''': [EMAIL 
+ While it seems a bit complicated, in more simple language, the above entries 
+ And this is all there is to it.
+ == JDBCVirtualUserTable ==
+ First of all, you should READ the following:
+ Just read it, but don't do anything about it just yet.  I'll walk you through 
the proccess to the best of my abilities.
+ === Setting Up Database ===
+  1. Well first you need a database.  I use MySQL (, but you can 
use whatever you want, as long as they have a Java driver.  So get and install 
a database (I'm not going to walk you through this - they have entire books 
written on the subject; I assume if you're an admin, you should know how to 
install a database).
+  1. After installing the database, create a db named "mail" or whatever you 
want to call it:
+ {{{
+ create database mail default charset utf8
+ }}}
+  1.#3  Now you want to create a user with privileges on database "mail".  I 
don't create users via raw SQL, I use MySQLCC, so I don't really know what the 
SQL for that is :(.  '''TODO''': fill int the SQL for creating a user.
+  1.  Now we want to add the table for mappings:
+ {{{
+ CREATE TABLE VirtualUserTable
+ (
+   user varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
+   domain varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+   target_address varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
+   PRIMARY KEY (user,domain)
+ );
+ }}}
+ Ok we're half way there.
+ === Configuring XML ===
+ So now we just need to add that mailet in your xml configuration.
+  1. Go to your james home directory (it's inside of whatever your 
installation folder was, /apps/james/), and go to SAR-INF, and open file 
"config.xml" (I suggest making a backup copy before editing).
+  1. First of all you want to make sure that inside your "<servernames>" you 
have an entry "<servername>localhost</servername>".  It's not really required 
since you can forward to any local address, but it's good practice.
+  1. Now let's tell JAMES where our database is.  Scroll all the way down to 
"<database-connections>".  There are a couple examples in there that you could 
use.  Here's my setup:
+ {{{
+          <data-source name="maildb" 
+             <driver>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</driver>
 <!-- "mail" is the database name; change it if you used something different -->
+             <user>mail</user> <!-- Whatever the DB user is -->
+             <password>YourPassword</password>
+             <max>20</max>
+          </data-source>
+ }}}
+ Now notice there's a "driver" setting, which in my case is MySQL's JConnector 
driver, which you can find here:
+ Download the driver, and stick the .jar file inside your 
$INSTALL_DIRECTORY/lib.  If you use a different database or have a reason to 
use a different driver, don't forget to change the "<driver>" setting and put 
the driver itself on the classpath.
+  1.#4  Notice that the "<data-source>" tag had a "name" attribute.  This 
doesn't have to be "maildb", it can be anything.  But stick to maildb as a 
+  1.  Now let's insert the mailet itself.  Scroll up to "<spoolmanager>" and 
find "<proccessor name="root">".  A couple lines below that you should have 
comments explaining how to set up an "XMLVirtualUserTable" mailet.  Right after 
the "RelayLimit=30" mailet, insert the following:
+ {{{
+       <mailet match="All" class="JDBCVirtualUserTable">
+           <table>db://maildb/VirtualUserTable</table>
+       </mailet>
+ }}}
+ Note that you can change the "maildb" if your data source had a different 
name; or VirtualUserTable, if the table you created earlier has a different 
name.  We're almost done.
+ === TESTING ===
+  1.  Restart the server by running $INSTALL_DIR/bin/ restart
+  1.  Let's assume that we have two users named "bob" and "jen", and bob owns 
"" and jen owns "".  Both want their own name account and 
"sales@" account for their domains pointing to their names.
+  1.  Start by editing your database either by hand or through a GUI client 
(my pref), and insert a couple entries:
+   * '''user''': bob '''domain''': '''target_address''': 
+   * '''user''': jen '''domain''': '''target_address''': 
+   * '''user''': sales '''domain''': '''target_address''': 
+   * '''user''': sales '''domain''': '''target_address''': 
+  1.#4 Create two users:
+ {{{
+ telnet localhost 4555
+ root
+ yourpassword
+ adduser bobsPassword
+ adduser jensPassword
+ quit
+ }}}
+   1.#5  TADA!  Now you should have two users:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]  Emails sent to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" will get a user not found 
message (unless of course you have another mapping for that domain name or a 
local user named simply "jen", which would break our naming policy).
+ Also, emails sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will go to bob's email; all sent to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] will go to jen's email.
+  1.#6  I should note that when giving Bob his login information, you should 
say the following:
+ {{{
+ Your email address is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
+ Your username is "" (same as your email address, but with 
two dots instead of "at")
+ Your password is bobsPassword
+ }}}
+  1.#7  By now you should be finished.  It is now fairly easy to create a 
web-based management system for the accounts.
+ === TIPS ===
+  1. Don't forget that besides virtual domains, you use the same approach to 
forward to outside domains.  For instance, if jen from our previous example 
wanted all emails sent to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" to go to the US president, you 
would have to add the following entry in the VirtualUserTable table:
+   * '''user''': CEO '''domain''': '''target_address''': 
+  1.#2  The reason I mentioned that you should have a nameserver "localhost" 
in the very beginning is because I had some hard times figuring out why the 
virtual table wasn't working.  The problem was my '''target_address''' entries 
- I'd specify them as simply "".  Turns out that 
JDBCVirtualUserTable automatically appends "@localhost" to target_address's 
that don't have a domain part.  And I didn't have the "localhost" in my 
servernames, and as a result the message couldn't be delivered.
+  1.  The only advice I have here is:  read your logs.  So far that helped me 
fix most of the problems.
+  2.  Also, don't be afraid to ask questions in the JAMES mail list
+ === THANKS ===
+  * I want to say thank you to the developers of JAMES; you made a truly great 
mail server compared with what's out there.  Migrating from qmail was like 
switching from a wooden chair to a nice comfortable leather one.  All of a 
sudden I'm in the driver's seat, I know exactly what's going on, and I'm not 
scared to mess around.
+  * Also I want to say thanks to the JAMES mail list - I couldn't have done it 
without you guys
+  * Special thanks go out to Daniel Perry and Illa Chipitsine for their 
invaluable help
+ == XMLVirtualUserTable ==
+ I am not qualified to write this since I haven't used it myself.  However, if 
you read the '''Theory''' and '''More Technical''' sections, you should have no 
problem whatsoever setting it up.  Besides, there are comments in the 
config.xml that pretty much give you an example.

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