Pigasus is back!


By Bob Boldt

Pigasus is back.  Yes the granddaughter of the now-famed Grandpa 
Pigasus, the pig who ran for president in '68, is back!  She is 
running on the newly formed DIPPIE party – an offshoot splinter group 
composed largely of 60-plus year-old Hippies and former members of 
the YIPPIE Party.

The Beltway rumor mill is abuzz with the emergence of this (excuse 
the expression) dark horse candidate.  Actually once upon a time a 
horse really did serve with honor in the Roman Senate – but that was 
long, ago in far, far better times.  The precocious porker has one up 
on both the Democrats and the Republicans, being as how she is the 
first female, non-human to ever run for the presidency.  This is 
certain to give her a big bump in the polls.

The DIPPIEs – which stands for the Depends International Party 
withdrew their support from candidate, John McCain when it was 
discovered he didn't use Depends elder-diapers, but another leading 
brand.  They also withdrew their copy-written slogan "Continence over 
Competence" from his campaign as well.  This move has already created 
something of a groundswell of defections of many of McCain's 
lobbyist-advisers whose motto is "Follow the Pork."

The candidacy of this latest Independent in the race has met with the 
same fate as Ron Paul, Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney: No mention 
of them ever crosses the lips of either of the leading Party 
candidates. The cat (excuse another mammalian metaphor) was nearly 
let out of the bag last week with the oblique references to "lipstick 
on a pig" made by Barack Obama.

In a carefully coordinated bipartisan effort, both the McCain and 
Obama campaign committees, deflected the gaffe by fictitiously 
ascribing the motivation for Obama's remark to an attempt to defame 
VP candidate, Sarah Palin, instead of the actual reference to 
candidate, Pigasus.

Even Sarah herself who was raised on Moose meat and venison was heard 
to remark off the cuff recently that she preferred pork.  This 
ill-advised attempt to ignore the 300 pound pig in the room will not 
succeed.  Actually Pigasus, in preparation for a rigorous round of 
campaigning, has just completed an intensive diet and exercise 
regimen under the supervision of Jack LaLanne and has trimmed down to 
a svelte 230 pounds.  Once the voters get a taste of "the other white 
meat" they are certain to desert the two leading Party candidates in droves.

Already many voters in the farm states of Indiana, Missouri and Iowa 
are starting to swing over to Pigasus. Owing to the presence of vast 
corporate pig farms, pigs actually outnumber people in these 
states.  Due to the superior intelligence of pigs over most 
Republican voters, many local pigs have been able to register to vote 
and even run for local office.

At this time it seems to be problematic as to exactly how Pigasus 
will be able to attract the Jewish vote.  Rumor does have it though 
that even her campaign has received under the trough funding from the 
pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC.  Please stay tuned for further 
developments.  This campaign season the expression "Pigs are on the 
wing!" has never been truer!


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