
  The Rag Blog Digest  June 23, 2011 (

 Richard D. Jehn, founder    Thorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Roger  Baker : Have We Turned the Corner on Peak Driving? (
 ) by  Roger Baker / The Rag Blog. In his latest analysis ofour  transportation 
mess, Roger tells us that "total driving in the USA might have  already peaked 
forever." There is much evidence of a shift in driving behavior  caused by 
factors like unemployment, traffic congestion, and the growing age of  the 
populace. And, since many experts believe we are near or past peak global  oil 
production, driving will increasingly be less affordable.

David  P. Hamilton : How Social Security Works in the U.S. and  France (
 ) by David P. Hamilton / The Rag  Blog. Reporting from Paris, David compares 
and contrasts the  Social Security systems in the U.S. and France -- 
anddiscusses the growing  problems faced in both countries. "In France," David 
tells us, "the system is  more costly, more complicated, and provides more 
benefits, but employers and the  wealthy pay a higher percentage of the costs."

Joshua  Holland : Governor 'Goodhair' and the 'Texas Miracle' (
 ) by  Joshua Holland / AlterNet. Conservative mythology now holds up  Texas as 
a shining example of right-wing governance in action -- a model for the  nation 
-- but it's actually a "blueprint for winning the race to the bottom,"  
destroying an already threadbare social safety net in the process.Under Gov.  
Rick "Goodhair" Perry, Texas has, in fact, become a "basket-case," and would be 
 faring even worse today without the help of policies enacted by Democrats at 
the  national level.

Lamar  W. Hankins : When Religion Restricts Our Freedom (
 ) by  Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag Blog. The U.S. Conference of  Catholic 
Bishops recently revised its policiesregarding aid in dyingfor the  terminally 
ill. Although their views traditionally only apply to Catholic health  
institutions,the bishopsnow want to contribute to a "fundamental public  
debate" about the "strong resurgence"of the assisted-suicide movement,and are  
attempting to "press upon non-Catholics... behaviors and ethical standards"  
based on Catholic theology.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer (
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7 Austin. 
To stream online, go here (

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

June 24, 2011: Environmental Activist Diane Wilson, author of Eco-Outlaw.
July 1, 2011: Media Producer and Counterculture Veteran, Bob Simmons. 
Listen to Thorne Dreyer's June17 interview with  (
 )Vietnam Vet and Peace Activist  (
 )Terry DuBose (
Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio (


Peak driving: Have we turned the corner?

Robert  S. Becker : The Environmental Rabble-Rousing of Diane  Wilson (
 ) by Robert S. Becker / OpEd  News. Environmental activist Diane Wilson -- who 
will be Thorne  Dreyer's guest on Rag Radio this Friday, June 24 (go to article 
for details) --  has become a champion who "takes risks, gets bloodied and 
arrested, and endures  jail -- then turns her adventures into good-hearted, 
epic tales reminiscent of  Mark Twain." Wilson, a shrimper from Seadrift, Texas 
--and the author of  Diary of an Eco-Outlaw --has become an inspiring leader of 
the  environmental protest movement and a prime nemesis of corporate polluters.

Ted  McLaughlin : We're Killing Off Our Oceans (
 ) by Ted  McLaughlin / The Rag Blog. Recent studies show that our oceans  -- 
victims of over-fishing, pollution, and man-made global climate change --  are 
reaching a critical point much faster than previously thought. Scientists  
fromseveral disciplines came together recently and found that the combined  
effects on our oceansare creating a "globally significant extinction event"  
that demands immediate action.

SPORT  / Dave Zirin : When Muhammad Ali Took the Weight (
 ) by Dave  Zirin / The Rag Blog. On June 20, 1967, boxer Muhammad Ali was  
convicted in Houstonfor refusing induction into the U.S. armed forces. Ali, the 
 former Cassius Clay, considered the War in Vietnamto bean exercise in  
genocide. "Why should they ask me to put on a uniform," Ali said, "and go 
10,000  miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam 
while  so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs?"

FILM  / Bob Simmons : The Cave of Forgotten Austin (
 ) by Bob  Simmons / The Rag Blog. Werner Herzog's Cave of Forgotten  Dreams is 
a "3-D jewel of sensitive movie making"about a cave in the  Ardeche Gorge of 
France that features unmarred Neolithic wallpaintings done in  the Pleistocene 
Age. Simmons contrasts the "timeless void" revealed though a  tiny opening in 
the cliff face with the"clanging modernity and angularity of  Austin's 2nd 
Street" -- with its "backslapping, air-kissing, high-fiving...  young homo 
sapiens" strolling past sidewalk  cafes.

Extinction event?: Our oceans at risk.

The Rag Blog is a non-profit internet newsmagazine produced by activist
journalists committed to progressive social change. The Rag Blog is published 
by the New Journalism Project, inc., a Texas non-profit corporation
has been granted tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal 
Revenue Code. This status is retroactive to Oct. 9,

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