On 22/08/2015 08:26, Colin Booth wrote:
I run my s6 stuff in slashpackage configuration so I missed the
s6-fdholder-filler issue. The slashpackage puts full paths in for all
generated run scripts so I'm a little surprised it isn't doing that
for standard FHS layouts.

 FHS doesn't guarantee absolute paths. If you don't
--enable-slashpackage, the build system doesn't use absolute paths
and simply assumes your executables are reachable via PATH search.

 Unexported executables are a problem for FHS: by definition, they
must not be accessible via PATH, so they have to be called with an
absolute path anyway. This is a problem when using staging
directories, but FHS can't do any better.

 Here, I had simply forgotten to give the correct prefix to the
s6-fdholder-filler invocation, so the PATH search failed as it is
supposed to.


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