`execline` does indeed exits when not given arguments, and displays the
error `execlineb: warning: too few arguments: expecting at least 1 but
got 0` but the first command gets run.

$ execlineb -S1 -c 'echo wrong'
execlineb: warning: too few arguments: expecting at least 1 but got 0

 It's not an error, it's actually a bugfix. As you can see, the message
is a "warning", not a "fatal", which means it does not stop the
program from running. It has always been intended this way.
 If you want to enforce a minimal number of arguments and exit if
that number is not reached, you have to do it from inside the script
with something like "if { test $# -ge 1 }".

 That said, it's probably useful functionality for the execlineb
binary to have, so I'll consider having a switch implementing it
for a future version.


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