Alternatively, one could use the catch-all logger variant that echoes
logged messages to /dev/console (created by s6-linux-init-maker's '-1'
option), or perform redirections directly in rc.shutdown and The first alternative, however, affects logging for
all processes. If the latter alternative is the preferred way, then I
think the example rc.* scripts installed in the skeldir
(/etc/s6-linux-init/skel by default) could contain commented stdout
and stderr redirections and an accompanying explanation, to make
readers aware that they might be needed.

That is right. Honestly, I think -1 should be the default in
s6-linux-init-maker. But I didn't want to spam /dev/console by default, so.

I added a comment to the skeleton rc.shutdown script so that users
that didn't use -1 know what's up and what to do to change it. Thanks for
the heads-up.


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