El vie, 7 oct 2022 a las 20:29, Amelia Bjornsdottir escribió:
> On OmniOS, in Vultr's network, my A and AAAA lookups check in (skadns_t
> *)->list after skadns_update(...), with failure, quickly. On
> HardenedBSD, in Shaw's network (so I'm aware that I'm not controlling
> for different DNS recursors here, and I should be), my A and AAAA
> lookups check with failure after the 45 seconds.
> I link truss -f of my application piped through grep skadns' PID to show
> only skadns, on OmniOS
> <https://umbrellix.net/~ellenor/omnios.sdtruss.txt> and HardenedBSD
> <https://umbrellix.net/~ellenor/hbsd.sdtruss.txt>.

On OmniOS, all the DNS queries (apparently 58) received a response. On
HardenedBSD, only the first 4 queries received a response, the next 18
timed out. They were retried 4 additional times, as expected, again
timing out without receiving a response.


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