
define FILE file
backtick -x EXISTS { if { eltest -f $FILE } s6-echo -- $FILE }

-x removes EXISTS from the environment if the "if" fails.

(still impressed by the creative use of importas -us).

Em qui., 23 de mar. de 2023 às 09:44, Petr Vaněk <arka...@atlas.cz> escreveu:
> Hi execline enthusiasts,
> I am trying to write an execline script which conditionally exports
> variable only if a given file exists. I am basically trying to mimic
> this shell script:
> ```
> #! /bin/sh
> FILE="file"
> if [ -f "${FILE}" ]; then
>         EXISTS="${FILE}"
> fi
> export EXISTS
> env
> ```
> I have come up with following solution, which does what I want but I am
> wondering if there is a better way of expressing this in execline?
> ```
> #! /bin/execlineb -P
> define FILE "file"
> backtick EXPORTER {
>         foreground {
>                 if { eltest -f "${FILE}" }
>                 echo export EXISTS "${FILE}"
>         }
> }
> env
> ```
> Cheers,
> Petr

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