1. example/s6/httpd-4/run script. In this script, it use 's6-tcpserver -v2 -1 
-U -c 512 -- $ip 80’, but -v2 is not
a valid options for s6-tcpserver. After change -v2 to -v, s6-tcpserver works.

 Whoops, I'll change that, thanks.

2.  example/s6/httpd-4/log/run script. Here the problem is that user wwwlog 
can’t create '/var/log/httpd-4’
directory, because there is no write permission. The simple fix is to create  
'/var/log/httpd-4’  directory before install.

 Yes, that is well-known; every packager would create the relevant
directory in the packaging script. That's what I do in the APKBUILDs
for Alpine and Adélie, for instance. (I would link them to help you,
but they haven't been merged yet. I hope they'll be merged soon.)

3. Domain name ‘example.com <http://example.com/>' used in https-4/run script 
is a valid domain name, which can't be bind
by s6-tcpserver-socketbinder. My fix: change it to localhost.

 example.com is explicitly reserved for people to use as examples!
The example run scripts aren't supposed to be used as is, they're
supposed to be edited by the person who copies them. It is implicit
that example.com is going to be changed to the real domain being

 Thanks for the report!


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