> On 5 Sep 2018, at 17:59, Dan Davison <dandavis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I recently changed my development environment in the course of switching to a 
> more recent macbook pro. I am finding that the auto-reload feature is 
> responding more slowly in my new environment. Things that have changed are my 
> hardware, my OS (now 10.13.6), and my Skim version (now 1.4.36 (110)). Can 
> anyone suggest anything that might have caused this difference? Apologies for 
> the vagueness of this request.
> To give a bit more detail: I'm using Skim to reload a PDF which is 
> regenerated every time I edit the LaTeX source file. The difference is less 
> than 1 second but quite noticeable with this workflow. I believe that the 
> difference is in the Skim autoreload time, rather than the pdflatex PDF 
> generation time, although it is possible that both are slower making the 
> effect more pronounced. (My LaTeX installation has changed as well).
> Is there any setting that would affect the responsiveness of Skim to the PDF 
> change, or is this all happening as fast as possible via file system change 
> events emitted by the OS?
> Thanks!
> Dan

There is no setting to change the responsiveness.

Skim tries to reload the PDF as soon as it finds the file to be changed, using 
file system events. Though not may also depend on how tex modifies the file. 
For instance, tex processes often changes the file not in one go, but adds 
content in batches, so we have to check whether the process has finished 
writing a complete file (this is really annoying).

On the other hand, some tex processes change the file atomically, by writing to 
a temporary file and then removing the old file and subsequently replacing it 
with the new file. In that case, we may notice with a delay, because we have no 
file to monitor for events (as it has been removed before being replaced), so 
we need to check the path ourselves (there are no file system events for a 
path, only for a file). We cannot do this too frequently, because we have no 
way of knowing where the file will be replaced at all (it may just have been 
deleted by the user), so we may be monitoring indefinitely, and we don’t want 
to bog down your system. 

I don’t know what kind of process you use. We have not change the logic and 
implementation of this for a while. TeX may have, I do not know. And also you 
may have, I certainly do not know.


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