US desperately needs another big stimulus:

Paul Krugman

Q: Would you include a payroll tax cut? Would you look at extending the Bush
tax cuts, would you look at corporate tax cut as part of that stimulus?

A: On the last two definitely not because what is a temporary tax cut
because we had a four depriment tax cuts. If you give a temporary tax cut to
wealthy people who are likely be highly liquid, they are not going to spend
very much of it at all. Give a temporary tax cut to corporation, which are
sitting on positive cash, they are not going to spend any of it. So that's
just ineffective stimulus. 

A payroll tax cut is not bad, it's putting money in hands of people who
might well spend it, government spending is a good thing is probably the
best thing, we have enormous infrastructure need in this country, which are
not being met. Even aside for the need to stimulate the economy when the
Federal government can borrow very cheaply that is a good idea to get some
projects started. But basically I would take whatever we can and accept that
those high end tax cuts, corporate tax cuts are sort of going where the
problem isn't and that just a waste of money.

Hope so



[] On Behalf Of Dinesh Verma
Sent: 02, 09, 2010 2:10 PM
To: skorydovmytaxassistant
Subject: Will it be helpful for the Indian economist?


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