Hi All,

The historic Babri Masjid verdict is set to come out on this Friday, Sept
24th. Whatever the verdict may be, there might be some dissatisfaction in
people, and it might spark a few violent streaks. We have already had Bombay
riots in 1993 and lost too many dear ones.We do not want to lose any more
fellow countrymen. The Hindu & Muslim leagues in India have asked people to
support the Supreme Court decision. Be united, that's the main strength of
our country and it should not be affected anyhow.

The Jama Masjid firing 3-4 days ago might be because of this. Govt has
ordered for strict law & order during Friday & weekend as there is a chance
for riots again. Please be careful as this is a very sensitive issue. Keep a
watch on your surroundings and try to avoid late nights on Fridays & don't
go out of your house/neighborhood alone on this weekend. 

Please forward to everybody you know. Even if you are not in India, still
think of your country and people, your near and dear ones..

Take care...

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