Dies schrieb John Clizbe (jpcli...@gingerbear.net):

> 1) It doesn't appear you checked the need for this patch against the current
> trunk source, changelog, commit history, or any server running 1.1.4+. What
> did you use as your source for SKS?

I did use the current trunk source. I however started using 1.1.4 sources,
which did not have the feature you describe, however I still considered adding
the line after noticing that V3 keys (although not really common anymore) were
lacking any fingerprint.

> 2012-10-27: Fixes for machine-readable indices.
> Key expiration times are now read from self-signatures on the key's UIDs. (KF)
> In addition, instead of 8-digit key IDs, index entries now return the most
> specific key ID possible: 16-digit key ID for V3 keys, and the
> full fingerprint for V4 keys. (JPC)
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

IMO having a dedicated entry with the fingerprint is a nice thing to have,
that's why I am about to patch gnupg and enigmail to display this information
when searching for keys. It's nice to see that sks uses the longest key id
possible (so I could remove half of my patch), but I still consider an optional
and explicit entry useful. Standards can be expanded, and nothing changes until
the client explicitly asks for a fingerprint (fingerprint=on).

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