Hi David,

On 02/08/2014 23:06, David Benfell wrote:
I am also changing operating systems. I noticed that FreeBSD runs
in much less memory and am discovering that its job scheduling is
much more to my taste.

The bad news is that when I try to build the sks database from the
dump from the old system, I get a segmentation fault. I am rebuilding
nearly every piece of software on the system (there were other
issues as well that made an upgrade from 10.0-RELEASE advisable) and
hoping I can make this go away.

If anyone else has encountered this, what did you do to fix it?

Yes! You need to tweak the cache and ptree_cache variables...
The defaults seem to cause a segfault.

I used the following when building mine:

/usr/local/bin/sks build /home/sks/dump/*.pgp -n 7 -cache 100
/usr/local/bin/sks cleandb
/usr/local/bin/sks pbuild -cache 20 -ptree_cache 70

and it imported fine (although took a while!), and has been running without a problem ever since. (I'm running FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE/amd64 with latest patchlevel, and sks from ports tree)



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