
I am looking for peers for a new SKS keyserver installation.

I installed SKS version 1.1.5+ which is reachable at [1] or [2] or [3].
The server behind uses full disk encryption (in case somebody consider
it as important).
This SKS instance is reachable via IPv6.

The server is physically located in online.net's DC2 (near Paris, EU).
(The MaxMind database displays it as in GB.)

I imported the keydump from [4], dated 2016-05-17.
I see 4279029 keys loaded.

And a question onto pools: My keyserver is not reachable via IP:80 and
IP:443 but has the following server names in nginx (plus my own):
 - *.sks-keyservers.net
 - *.pool.sks-keyservers.net
 - keys.gnupg.net
 - pgp.ipfire.org
Are they any problem with this? (And are there any pools which could add
me without notice?)

keyserver.vsund.de 11370 # Valentin Sundermann <m...@vsund.de>
0xA1AADE57842A21A3 - onename.com/vsund

Thank you,

P.S.: The onename.com webpage doesn't display my id currently. The
people from Blockstack Labs already fixed this error. If you want to
verify the key via onename.com please wait a few days or use the cli
tool from [5] instead.

[1] https://keyserver.vsund.de
[2] https://keyserver.valentin-sundermann.de
[3] http://sfuulriypdms4mnl.onion
[4] https://pgp.key-server.io/sks-dump
[5] https://github.com/blockstack/blockstack-cli

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