On 04/10/2016 1:24 pm, Brian Minton wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 03, 2016 at 07:35:16PM +0100, Danny Horne wrote:
>> Maybe I've misunderstood something (only been running a keyserver for a
>> few months), but the server you've named isn't listed at
>> https://sks-keyservers.net/status/ and the few peers in your list that I
>> checked aren't peered with you
> My server had been marked as excluded in the pool scanning script.  If you
> check now, you will see that it is at least listed, even if it's not in the
> pool.  The way I was verifying cross-peering was by contacting the other
> servers directly, at http://some.server:11371/pks/lookup?op=stats and checking
> if my server was listed.
Just spotted something, you keep mentioning keyserver.brian.minton.name,
but according to
http://keyserver.brian.minton.name:11371/pks/lookup?op=stats your server
is called bminton.is-a-geek.net

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