On 11/11/2016 12:55 PM, Kristian Fiskerstrand wrote:
> On 11/11/2016 07:48 PM, Danny Horne wrote:
>> On 11/11/2016 8:15 am, Kristian Fiskerstrand wrote:
>>> On 11/10/2016 07:05 PM, Danny Horne wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Recently I've been seeing my keyserver fall off the list due to 'missing
>>>> keys' a lot more often, I've also noticed the 'Max difference' figure on
>>>> https://sks-keyservers.net/status/ has been stuck at 300 for a few days
>>>> now (maybe longer).  I'm sure this used to change on every hourly check,
>>>> and I've seen it go into four figures before now.
>>> 300 is the minimum diff used, so it just means the variance in the pool
>>> is good enough to be within that.
>> Ok, whilst nothing may be 'wrong', I still maintain something has
>> changed.  The 'Max difference' used to change on every hourly check, and
>> could run into four figures.  Because it's now fixed at 300 more
>> keyservers are being removed from the pool (the average number of
>> keyservers in the pool was around 100, I've seen it recently drop to the
>> low 60's)
> of which only 10 are used, so lower variation is a positive and improves
> the user experience/expecation.
> the calculation is dynamic, so likely a few servers with high lagg of
> keys have finally dissapeared, I try to remove this by doing a two-pass
> run to exclude the worst from calculation during pass 1
I've noticed a similar behavior for my server falling off of the list
because of key difference.  In my case I believe it is an issue syncing
with one of my peers.  My recon log shows it discovered 400+ hashes on
the peer but then times out trying to download them.  I've contacted the
peer admin to try to resolve the issue but in the mean time I believe it
slows down gossip for me as any keys submitted to that peer have to find
their way to me through one of my other peers.

Obviously I need to resolve the peer timeout issue but any advice how I
might speed up the gossip process in general?  I've noticed looking at
the stats that the new/updated keys seem to come in bursts during a
window between 1 and 3 am.  I suspect that too could be causing my
server to drop out of the list until it has a chance to catch up.

Timothy A. Holtzen
Campus Network Administrator
Nebraska Wesleyan University
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