On 11/01/2017 12:49 am, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Hi,
> Now, what would the general feeling be on this? Do we expect
> privately-run SKS servers to have a four-nines, five-nines or such
> uptime?
> Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

My own view is that if a peer goes down (announced or not) for just a
few days I'll just ignore it, as Phill Pennock states the reconciliation
service will just deal with it and I've got better things to do than
remove / replace peers when they're down.

If the downtime is extended I might email the keyserver admin, but when
this happens I'm sometimes surprised at the response I get 'is it? 
Thanks for letting me know'.  Everybody opens a browser at least once a
day (correct me if I'm wrong), so it wouldn't take a minute to browse to
(for example)
to check its status.

I don't expect any keyserver to have 100% uptime, the best datacentres
in the world can't achieve this.

Just my thoughts

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