Added an issue to the sks-keyserver bitbucket:

On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 11:17 AM, Daniel Roesler <> wrote:
> I'm staying, but I need some help.
> My server ( currently has an uptime of
> 97.95%, but every few hours the "sks db" process spikes to 100%
> CPU which makes the web interface completely unresponsive, which
> I'm guessing is why I keep getting kicked out of the pool.
> In the db.log, for each of these events, there's the following
> logs:
> ================
> 2018-07-19 18:04:30 add_keys_merge failed: Eventloop.SigAlarm
> 2018-07-19 18:04:38 Key addition failed: Eventloop.SigAlarm
> ================

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