> Well, it was just one of many example sites...

Again: I'm going to go with the real advice given to me by real lawyers.

> So as an example, US SKS key server operators do not have to honor
> removal request (in this case shut-down the server) from EU citizens,
> when they receive a letter from a lawyer?

Depends on the individual.  I rarely travel to Europe and have no
financial holdings there.  It gives me a great ability to say "no, I'm
not signatory to your treaty, go away."  Other Americans may have enough
ties to Europe to make it possible for EU courts to apply leverage.

> I remember also that plenty of US sites (small and large), where I
> did business with, asked for my consent as EU citizen, when they
> changed their privacy policy once the GDPR took place.

Some of them do business in Europe and are susceptible to pressure by
the EU.  Some of them were just jumping on the bandwagon.

> Has an US SKS key server operator then not 'business' ties with EU
> citizens, when storing their personal data like name and email address?

No.  Those are considered facts no different than tracking a name and
phone number.  Mere facts cannot be suppressed by the United States
government; citizens are allowed to share them to our heart's content.

> And has Mr. Rude then the right to freely distribute this data, without
> protecting it, to the whole world?

I don't know anything about him or where he lives or which laws he must

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