Hi Andrew,

Am 06.05.2021 um 15:07 schrieb Andrew Gallagher:
Hi, all.

I'm noticing recently a large number of updated keys in pgpkeys.eu
(hockeypuck), on the order of several thousand per hour. The total
number of keys is not increasing unusually, just the modifications. I
notice that both andreas-puls servers and utwente.nl seem to be
experiencing similar activity (an order of magnitude less, at tens to a
few hundred per hour), while other pool members seem unaffected (single
digits of updates per hour). Can I ask hockeypuck operators what filter
values they are using? pgpkeys.eu is currently set to:


Im running on both of my servers the deafult value.
IIRC this should be:

This is more generous than the defaults, which makes me wonder if the
root problem is that it is allowing abusive keys that others are
filtering out.

On a possibly related note, sks.pgpkeys.eu (sks) is timing out
repeatedly during incoming bulk requests from its recon peers. It seems
to manifest as "End_of_file" errors in the SKS logs as the reverse proxy
gives up. Has anyone else seen similar issues?



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